Sunday, March 18, 2007

Spring has Sprung!

Spring is sprung in Boise! Today has been a busy one.... Spraying Roundup on the weeds, Zamzows, Home Depot and lots of outside time. Even got a chance to walk the dogs!! (Oh... and I put in a couple hours of work today, which is a whole nother story... We are amazed at the beautiful weather.

Work... speaking of work, it was nice last night to have some friends over and have one of them tell me (after a client called at 9:30pm) that he has a whole new appreciation of what I do and how I do it. He recently went to work for one of our clients so he has a new look at what, exactly, it is that I do. The types of calls I get, and the running around town that I do to get things taken care of. This was something real nice to hear.
All in all, we can say that it has been a great weekend! We are really happy that the cold weather, for the most part, is starting to subside, lawns are going to start to green up and I may even have to break out the lawn mower in a week or so!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well atleast YOU had winter! lol. I miss the cold! We have had summer ever since we GOT here! Well the "Coldest" it has gottin here was like 70!! lol. But now it's like summer here! VERY HOT! And it's gonna get hotter, like 120 degrees!! KRAZZY! Well I hope and pray everthing is good with all you guyz! Tell the family I said hi! Luv ya! ~Hillary